1. Chemical Product and Company Identification
Product name: ZeoFiber
ZEO, Inc.
PO Box 2353 (Mailing)
2104 Augusta (Physical)
McKinney, TX 75070
Phone: 972-542-0053
Fax: 972-542-0211
Website: www.zeoinc.com
2. Hazard Identification
Eye contact: May cause scratching or mild irritation to the eye.
Skin contact: May cause irritation to the skin.
Inhalation: May cause respiratory irritation.
Ingestion: No hazards known.
Chronic hazards: No known hazards.
Physical hazards: No known hazards.
Carcinogenicity listing: NPT: not listed; IRAC Monographs: not listed; OSHA Regulated: not listed.
3. Composition, Information or Ingredients
Chemical & Common Name: Zeolite
Wt. %: 90-97
CAS Registry: 1318-02-1
EINECS: 215-283-8
OSHA PEL: 15 mg/m3m total dust
ACHIH TLV: 10 mg/m3 total dust
Chemical & Common Name: or (clinoptilolite1)
CAS Registry: (12173-10-3)
EINECS: (Not found)
OSHA PEL: 5 mg/m 3respirable
ACHIH TLV: 3 mg/m3 respirable
Chemical & Common Name: Water
Wt. %: 3-10
CAS Registry: 7732-18-5
EINECS: 231-791-2
Clinoptilolite is one of the many crystal forms of zeolites
4. First Aid Measures
Skin: In case of contact and irritation results, flush skin with water. Remove contaminated clothing. Get medical attention if irritation persists.
Inhalation: Move to fresh air. If breathing stops, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical attention.
Ingestion: Not applicable
5. Fire-Fighting Measure
Extinguishing media: Compatible with all extinguishing media
Unusual hazards: None
6. Accidental Release Measures
Protection equipment: Safety goggles, gloves, and protective clothing
Spills cleanup: Shovel or sweep up and place in a suitable container. Avoid generating dust.
CERCLA RQ: None. Notification of state and local authorities is recommended.
7. Handling and Storage
Storage: Keep storage containers closed and dry.
8. Exposure Controls and Personal Protection
Engineering controls: Use adequate ventilation. Safety shower and eyewash fountain should be within direst access.
Respiratory protection: Use NIOSH approved dust respirator where dust occurs. Refer to 29 CFR §1910.134 or European Standard 149.
Eye protection: Wear safety goggles
Skin protection: Wear body protecting clothing and gloves. Refer to 29 CFR §1910.133 or European Standard EN 149
9. Physical and Chemical Properties
Odor: Odorless
pH: 6.8 – 8.0 (water dispersion)
Bulk density: 45 – 85 pounds/ft 3 (0.7 – 1.4 g/ml)
Solubility in water: Insoluble
Flash Point: Not applicable
Autoignition temperature: Not applicable
Flammable limits: Not applicable
Vapor density: Not applicable
Evaporation rate: Not applicable
10. Stability and Reactivity
Condition to avoid: None
Materials to avoid: Strong acids and strong bases
Hazardous decomposition: None
11. Toxicological Information
Not established
Carcinogenicity: Clinoptilolite with a particle size in the respriable range was tested for carcinogenicity in rats by intratraceal instillation. No significant increase in the incidence of tumors was found.
12. Ecological Information
Physical/Chemical: Sinks in water
Atmospheric: Contains no ozone depleting substances
Waterfowl toxicity: None known
Aquatic toxicity: None known
BOD and COD: None known
13. Disposal Consideration
Disposal method: Dispose in accordance with federal, state (provincial), and local regulations.
14. Transportation Information
IATA Hazard Class: Not Regulated
DOT Hazard Class: Not Regulated
IMDG Hazard Class: Not Regulated
RID/ADR Dangerous Goods: Not Regulated
Label: None required
UN TDG Class: Not Regulated
Hazard Symbol: None required
Hazard Id Number (HIM): None
15. Regulatory Information
CPR: This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations and the SDS contains all of the information required by the Controlled Products Regulations.
WHMIS Classification: Not controlled
DSL / NDSL: Components of this product identified by CAS Number and listed on the Canadian Ingredient Disclosure List (IDL) are not listed on the Canadian Domestic Substances List (DSL) or Non-Domestic Substance List (NDSL), or are otherwise in compliance with the New Substance Notification (NSN) regulations.
EINECS: Components of this product identified by CAS Numbers are on the European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical Substances unless indicated as “Not found.”
IDL: Components of this product identified by CAS Number and listed on the Canadian Ingredient Disclosure List (IDL) are shown in Section 2.
SARA Title III.313I: None
TSCA: All components of this product are listed on the U. S. Toxic Substances Control Act Inventory or are exempt from listing, because a Low Volume or Polymer Exemption has been granted in accordance with 40 CFR 723.50.
VbK: Not applicable
WGK Water Quality Index: ngw
WHMIS Classification: Not controlled
16. Other information

NFPA Hazard Rating
Health (Blue) 1: Caution – May be irritating.
Flammability (Red) 0: Non combustible.
Reactivity (Yellow) 0: Not reactive when mixed with water.
Special Info (White): None
HMIS Hazard Rating
Health (Blue) 1: Irritation or minor reversible injury possible.
Flammability (Red) 0: Will not burn.
Reactivity (Orange) 0: Will not react, polymerize, decompose, condense, or self react. Non-explosive.
Personal Protection E: Safety glasses, gloves, and dust respirator.
Date prepared: October 29, 2012
Trade name: EcoSand is a register trade name of ZEO, Inc.
The information on this Safety Data Sheet is believed to be accurate and is the best information available to ZEO, Inc. This document is intended only as a guide to the appropriate precautions for handling. ZEO, Inc. makes no warranty of merchantability or any other warrant, expressed or implied with respect to the information or the product to which this Safety Sheet relates.
Users and handlers of this product should make their own investigations to determine the suitability of the information provided herein for their own purposes.
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