Organic and GRAS
ZAR-MIN is OMRI (Organic Materials Review Institute) listed and GRAS. A 100% natural mined mineral with no additives, ZAR-MIN meets the USDA requirements to be organic and can be used as an input in any USDA Organic operation. By meeting the FDA requirements, ZAR-MIN is Generally Regarded As Safe (GRAS).


A typical ZAR-MIN analysis and the Food Chemical Codex sodium aluminosilicate specifications are:
Silicon dioxide (% as SiO2)
Aluminum oxide (% as Al2O3)
Sodium oxide (% as Na2O)
Lead (ppm as Pb)
Loss on Drying (% by Weight)
Loss on Ignition (% by Weight)
© ZEO, Inc. Natural Zeolite Products
The FDA reviewed the lower than specification sodium oxide content and stated that the presence of potassium, calcium, and magnesium cation in lieu of sodium is acceptable.