ZAR-MIN Natual Zeolite Feed Additive: Natural zeolite feed additive benefits for healthy, at-risk and disease challenged animals. Natural zeolite products from ZEO, Inc.

Animal Health and Diseases

Many peer reviewed publications describe Natural Zeolite Feed Additive benefits upon healthy, at-risk, and disease challenged animals. While the efficacy mechanism has not been fully determined, the body of research indicates several possibilities:

  • Macro and micro nutrition
  • Ionic buffering
  • Surface absorption

This research strongly indicates that the natural zeolites pass through the animal and remain in the digestive tract, they do not pass through the intestinal wall. The natural zeolite structure framework is stable and is not altered by the digestive conditions in many species of monogastrics and rumens. A 2005 review describes the effects of feeding natural zeolites to many different species under different conditions.1

Dr. Mumpton, one of the early protagonists of natural zeolites gave an overview of agricultural and industrial applications. (F. Mumpton, “La roca magica: uses of natural zeolites in agriculture and industry.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 96: 3463-3470.)

Even though the reasons for these positive effects have not been fully determined, this body of research indicates that the benefits of natural zeolites are greatest for animals under physiological or environmental stress. These benefits do not appear to be limited to a specific type of stress. Natural zeolites are not replacements for drugs, therapeutics, or energy (calories). Natural zeolite may provide a source of mineral nutrient such as potassium, calcium, and the like.


The surface absorption of aflatoxins and mycotoxins in general are covered in another section.
Read more about Mycotoxins >

Rumen Buffer

Rations containing ZAR-MIN natural zeolite feed additive in combination with dolomite is effective as a rumen buffer.
Read more about Rumen Buffer >

Milk Fever and Ketosis

Natural zeolite can be a tool to manage the conditions that that lead to milk fever or Hypocalcaemia. Some cows are not able to meet the sudden calcium demands triggered by the onset of milk production due to calving and/or the onset of milk fever.

The incidence of milk fever (5.9%) was significantly lower in cows that were receiving a concentrate supplemented with natural zeolite (2.5%) during the last month of the dry period and the onset of lactation compared to incidence in the control group animals (38.9%), which did not receiving natural zeolite feed additive. A treatment with 1.25% natural zeolite had a milk fever incidence of 17.6% – a rate nearly three times higher. The animals receiving 2.5% natural zeolite responded faster and more efficiently in the drop of serum Ca observed at the day of calving and did not show any clinical signs of milk fever the following days.2

Diarrhea or Scours

Neonatal calf diarrhea (NCD), also known as calf scours, is a common disease affecting newborn calves. are protected against environmental pathogens, such as ETEC, through passive immunity acquired by absorbing immunoglobulins from the colostrums. Many researchers have shown that the addition of natural zeolite in the Enterotoxigenic strains of Escherichia coli (ETEC) are the main causes diarrhea in newborn calves. Newborn calves colostrum increases blood serum total immunoglobulins concentration and reduces the incidence of diarrhea in calves.

Pourliotis et al report that newborn calves fed natural zeolites had higher blood serum levels of specific antibodies against E.coli and had fewer incidences of diarrhea with shorter duration time.

Blood Serum Levels of
Specific Antibodies Against E. Coli

Treatment (g/kg BW/d)


Different letters (a,b.c) in the same row denote significant difference at P<0.05.
© ZEO, Inc. ZAR-MIN Organic Natural Zeolite Feed Additive

Clinical Incidence of Diarrhea

(g/kg BW/d)
(Cases/100 calves)
3 ± 1
2 ± 0
7 ± 1
Different letters (a,b) at the same column denote significant difference at P<0.05.
© ZEO, Inc. ZAR-MIN Organic Natural Zeolite Feed Additive

Each treatment had healthy 28 Holstein calves divided equally by body weight, sex and parity of dams. The calves were fed a mixture of colostrums from cows vaccinated against K-99 and F-41 antigens of E.coli.3

Karatzia reports that natural zeolite feeding, either alone or in combination with selenium appeared to improve the immune response of Holstein heifers vaccinated against E. coli and provided enhanced protection to their calves. Natural zeolite alone and particularly in combination with intramuscular selenium vaccination significantly increased the antibody titres against E. coli in blood serum of heifers and their calves and in the colostrums of the heifers.4

Blood Serum Concentrations of Specific Antibodies
Against E. Coli (means±SE) at the Day of Calving

Natural Zeolite + Selenium
Natural Zeolite
© ZEO, Inc. ZAR-MIN Organic Natural Zeolite Feed Additive

1. (D. Papaioannou, P. Katsoulos, N. Panousis, H. Karatzias, The role of natural and synthetic zeolites as feed additives on the prevention and/or the treatment of certain farm animal diseases: A review. Microporous and mesoporous materials: 84, 161-170.)

2. (P. Katsoulos, N. Roubies, N. Panousis, G. Arsenos, E. Christaki, H. Karatzias, Effects of long-term dietary supplementation with natural zeolite on incidence of parturient paresis and serum concentrations of total calcium, phosphate, magnesium, potassium, and sodium in dairy cows: American Journal of Veterinary Research 66, 2081-2085.)

3. (K. Pourliotis, M. Karatzia, P. Florou-Paneri, P. Katsoulos, H. Karatzias, Effects of dietary inclusion of clinoptilolite in colostrum and milk of dairy calves on absorption of antibodies against Escherichia coli and the incidence of diarrhea, Animal Feed Science and Technology 172, 136-140 DOI: 10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2011.12.001)

4. (Maria A. Karatzia, Effect of dietary inclusion of clinoptilolite on antibody production by dairy cows vaccinated against Escherichia coli, Livestock Science, 128, 149-153.)